ALLELUIA! LUTHERAN CHURCH was developed as a mission church by Our Saviour's Lutheran Church in Naperville, IL to serve the rapidly expanding communities in the western Chicago suburbs. It began in the gym of Springbrook Elementary School in 1993, and the first stage of construction began in October 1994. A second stage was completed in 2002, and the third and final stage of construction was completed in August 2008. From day one the vision of Alleluia! was to be a Christ-centered and welcoming community; embracing and sharing God's grace, hope, and unconditional love.
Alleluia! Lutheran Church is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). The ELCA has a rich history of seeking to love God and neighbor that reaches back to the 16th century during the Reformation, led by Martin Luther. Alleluia! is a member of the Northern Illinois Synod, one of the 65 Synods that comprise the ELCA. Partnering with our Synod allows us to foster relationships with other local ELCA congregations in order to have a greater impact in our communities within northern Illinois. Learn more about the ELCA denomination and the Northern Illinois Synod by clicking the links above.
LITTLE BLESSINGS PRESCHOOL & KINDERGARTEN is a ministry of Alleluia! and opened its doors in September 1996. It is a state licensed, non-profit facility offering preschool, kindergarten, a two's program, and enrichment opportunities. The facility includes classrooms, two large indoor play rooms, a well-equipped playground, and the Garden of Thanks outdoor classroom.
COME! Our life is centered in the worship of God as revealed in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The Holy Spirit gathers us together to worship through Word and Sacrament with contemporary worship components. We worship the Living God. When we gather together for worship, God meets us (Matthew 18:20) and he is a real presence among us (Psalm 95).
CONNECT! Christian learning is life-long and grounded in God's Word.
We can’t outgrow Christian Faith. As followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to move from spiritual infancy to spiritual maturity (Philippians 3:13- 14; Ephesians 4:12-14). God’s Word is our foundation for growing in faith (Isaiah 40:8). We are committed to Small Groups as a way to connect to God and to one another (Acts 2:45-47).
COMMIT! Jesus sends us out to serve others and share the Gospel.
God so loved the world (John 3:16), and calls us to do the same (Matthew 22:39). Jesus was sent to reconcile a lost world to God (Luke 15). We cheerfully give (2 Corinthians 5:17) to God’s mission in the world. We are called to God’s mission in the world (Matthew 28:19), to invite others to know Jesus (John 1:46), and to welcome all (Luke 5:32; Luke 15:2) to build God’s Kingdom.