Commit: “Jesus sends us out to serve others and share the Gospel.”

We are a church that responds to Jesus’ call to carry out his mission in the world. The purpose of the Alleluia! mission program is: "To enable all to commit to Jesus through the engagement of time, talent and treasure in Alleluia!’s mission efforts." Our vision is of an Alleluia! community that is actively engaged and making a visible impact by lifting people out of all forms of poverty (economic, emotional, intellectual, physical, social, and spiritual) through personal and congregational involvement.

FEED THE NEED is a community-wide annual MobilePack event through
Feed My Starving Children. 
This year's event will be held at Benedictine University's Rice Center
on Saturday, March 8th & Sunday, March 9th.

Please sign up to pack during one or more of the following time slots.

There will also be an opportunity to contribute toward Alleluia!'s
commitment to raise $5000 to help cover costs. 

click here to make a monetary donation

Session #1:  Saturday, March 8th, 9:00am-11:00am

Session #2:  Saturday, March 8th, 12:00pm-2:00pm

Session #3:  Saturday, March 8th, 3:00pm-5:00pm

Session #4:  Saturday, March 8th, 6:00pm-8:00pm

Session #5:  Sunday, March 9th, 10:00am-12:00pm

Session #6:  Sunday, March 9th, 1:30pm-3:30pm



The mission of HOPE INTERNATIONAL is to invest in
the dreams of families in the world’s underserved communities as we proclaim and live out the Gospel.  One of the primary ways they do this is through a model of Savings Groups operating out of local congregations in impoverished areas.  Alleluia! supports the HOPE Savings Group program in Comas, Peru.

Learn More


Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) is a non-profit Christian organization committed to feeding God's children who are hungry in both body and spirit.  FMSC utilizes volunteers of all ages to hand-pack meals specifically formulated for malnourished children.  Meals are sent to nearly 70 countries around the world. If you would like to receive emails about FMSC volunteer opportunities through Alleluia!, please contact Alan at  You can also sign up directly with FMSC at any time by visiting their website at

FEED THE NEED is a community-wide annual MobilePack event through FMSC.  This year's FTN will be held on Saturday, March 8th and Sunday, March 9th at Benedictine University's Rice Center.  Please se the time slots above.


Loaves & Fishes provides food and hope to residents of Naperville and DuPage County whose financial circumstances make it difficult to provide food for themselves and their families. They distribute over 60,000 pounds of groceries each week, and depend on a network of over 1000 volunteers to collect, sort, stock shelves, and assist clients. Loaves & Fishes also partners with local organizations to offer a holistic approach to meet the needs of those they serve, offering services in areas such as nutrition, mental health, employment assistance and skills, financial and computer literacy, and language skills.


Run/walk, have FUN, and help raise funds for good causes at the annual Run with a Mission hosted by Alleluia!  Run proceeds benefit our mission partners.  Together we are bringing God's love to our local and global community!



Each year on the weekend before Thanksgiving we respond to the blessings we have received by sharing the blessing of food with our neighbors in need through a collection of non-perishables that is distributed through Loaves and Fishes.



Each November we participate in the Operation Christmas Child program by filling shoeboxes with various items (school supplies, toys, hygiene items) and sending them to children living in poverty around the world.  Children receive these needed items as well as the Good News of God’s Son being born into the world for our sake. 


During Advent the Alleluia! community has the opportunity to provide gifts for foster children through Lutheran Social Services of Illinois.  We raise money to buy winter clothes, toys, holiday meals, and other items for the children in LSSI's foster care program. Thank you for your support!


Walking Together: Mentoring Makes a Difference!

Mentor ONE child for ONE hour per week at a local school.  Church-School partnerships give hope to
children through caring and consistent relationships,
and hope is powerful!  Contact Matt White at for more information.

Those wishing to help with the costs associated with this program may do so by making a gift to Alleluia! and noting KidsHopeUSA with your donation. Thank you!


Compassion’s mission is to “release children from poverty in Jesus’ name.” Through Compassion, you can sponsor a child who can benefit from Compassion’s programs, which enable the physical, social, economic, and spiritual development needed to become responsible, fulfilled Christian adults. As a sponsor you will have the opportunity to support your child through prayers, letters, birthday cards, and Christmas gifts. Alleluia! has partnered with Compassion to sponsor children in Peru.