There are always great events coming up at Alleluia!
There are always great events coming up at Alleluia!
HOPE Cancer Support Event - Sunday, Feb. 23rd, 12noon
Join us for an uplifting and inspiring afternoon of support and hope. Meet Tracy Jakusz, author of HOPE: Devotions for Cancer Patients, a powerful book that shares personal stories and daily devotionals to assist in the fight against cancer with the help of God. Hear inspiring stories of survival and perseverance. There will be an opportunity for questions and conversation. Light refreshments will be provided. Books will be available for purchase. All are welcome.
GAME NIGHT 2025 - Saturday, Mar. 1st, Games begin 6pm
Alleluia! Game Night is a fundraising event where adults (21+) come together for entertaining game show type fun while supporting the missions and ministries of Alleluia! Fill a table with 8 friends or sign up alone and make new friends! If you wish, your table can work together prior to the event to come up with a theme, decorate your table, and dress accordingly. You can bring any appetizers and desserts you wish to share with your table.
The Little Lambs ONLINE Consignment Sale is again combining with Owen Elementary PTA Resale to host an ONLINE SUPERSALE! The ONLINE store will be open March 7-9 with many items half-price on the 9th. Purchased items will be available for pick up at Owen Elementary School on Saturday, March 15th.
FEED THE NEED is a community-wide annual MobilePack event through FEED MY STARVING CHILDREN. This year's event will again be held at Benedictine University's Rice Center. Sign up for one or more available time slots.
There is also an opportunity to contribute toward Alleluia!'s commitment to raise $5000 to help cover costs.
click here to make a monetary donation
Sunday, March 9th, begins during 10:30 worship
Join us as we celebrate our Little Blessings families and staff.
During the 10:30 service preschoolers will sing songs they've learned in music class with
Ms. Michele. After singing children will have the opportunity to join KidsConnect Church School for fun activities with some Little Blessings and Alleluia! staff. A pancake breakfast and kids' activities will be offered in the CLC at 11:30am. All are welcome.
Join us on Wednesday evenings, March 12th, March 19th, March 26th, and April 9th at 7:00pm as we explore the “Five Core Themes of the Life of Jesus.” A light meal will be served prior to the study in the CLC at 6:00pm. All are welcome. Registration for the suppers is requested below.
FIRST COMMUNION RETREAT - Sunday, Mar 16th, 1-5pm
First Communion instruction is designed for children 4th-6th grades. Sessions will be led by Alleluia! staff with parent volunteers as small group leaders. Children will have the opportunity to create a personal communion banner. Students can receive their First Communion at one of the following service: Sunday, April 13th, at the 9:00am or 10:30am service, OR, on Thursday, April 17th, at the 7:00pm Maundy Thursday service.
Sunday, April 6th, 6:30pm in The Underground
We'll gather on this evening to view the movie War Room. Grab a friend and come enjoy the movie and some girl time! Pizza, popcorn, and candy will be served. You are invited to bring an item for donation to our mission partner Wayside Cross Ministries. Information on donations will be provided following sign up.
Please note: As a follow up to movie night there will be a War Room study on Thursday, April 10th at 7:00pm in The Underground. This study will serve as a reminder of how powerful prayer really is and how it helps us grow closer to one another and ultimately to God.
The 2025 Mission Trip to Nashville, TN is open to 8th - 12th graders and will take place June 22th-28th. An informational meeting will be held in The Underground Youth Center on Sunday, Feb 16th following both worship services. All information can be found on the Youth webpage.
ALLELUIA! MUSIC NIGHT JAM - 3rd Thursday of each Month
On the 3rd Thursday of each month ages high school-adults are invited to join us in the sanctuary for music, a small devotional, fellowship, and snacks! Talk with the musicians/volunteers to learn more about our music program. Come watch, talk, or bring your instrument and JAM a time permits! Questions to Michele Nelson at January link coming soon!
Interested in getting together with others to play a board game! ABGG meets on SELECT nights. Games are hosted in members' homes. Join our Facebook page below to receive Evites of upcoming meeting dates, or email David or John.
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