KidsConnect is the church school ministry for children aged 3yrs.-5th grade. KidsConnect is a fun, powerful way for kids to connect to Jesus!

KidsConnect meets during Sunday Services. Please be sure to register your students for the General KidsConnect program below.

Children check in for KidsConnect in the Gathering Area and begin worship with their families in the sanctuary.  They are dismissed as a group to KidsConnect following the Children's Chat.  Children will be dismissed from the lower level KidZone after worship.  Please have your dismissal tag ready at pickup.

PLEASE NOTE:  There will not be KidsConnect on April 13th & April 20th as we celebrate Palm Sunday and Easter in services with the entire congregation.


Volunteer for kidsconnect

Contact DIRECToR, April Blair

Alleluia! Children's Ministry Brochure

K3 (Kindergarten-3rd Grade)

All K-3rd Graders are invited to meet Ms. Michele in the Music Room every Wednesday evening at 5:45-6:30pm during the school year.  We explore different Bible verses weekly and our Bible stories are enhanced through technology, cooking, dance, music, creative expression, and video.  It's something different EACH week!  Please reach out to Ms. Michele with any questions!

Register Here 2024-25

Contact Michele Nelson

CONNECT45 (4th-5th grade)

CONNECT45 is a special club for 4th & 5th Graders!   
This exciting program fosters faith growth, and serves as a bridge into the Middle School Confirmation Program at Alleluia!  
Connect45 meets in the lower level Celebration Room on Wednesdays during the school year, 5:30-6:30pm.  It's a space designed just for 4th & 5th graders!  Come check it out!

Register Here 2024-25

Contact april blair for more info

VBS 2025 - "Live It Out!"

June 9th-13th

Registration has begun!

Click below to go to the Upcoming Events page and scroll down to VBS!

Upcoming Events Page


Alleluia! Children's Ministry has developed "faith milestones" for Pre-K through 5th grade.  These are very important times in a child's faith development.  At each milestone, the child's knowledge and love for Jesus continues to grow.  All faith milestone instruction is achieved using age appropriate materials.  We encourage you to contact Children's Ministry Director, April Blair at with any questions.

PreK:  "Memory Verses"

Throughout the year preschoolers will memorize simple Bible verses.

Kindergarten:  "Learn to Pray"

Kindergartners will receive prayer prompts throughout the year as they learn to pray.

1st Grade:  "The Lord's Prayer"

First graders are encouraged to learn The Lord's Prayer through various activities throughout the school year.

2nd Grade:  "The Ten Commandments"

Second graders will work toward learning The Ten Commandments throughout the school year.

3rd Grade:  "Bible Presentation" (In Calendar Below)

In 3rd grade children are presented with a Bible.  They are invited to learn how to use it all year long in KidsConnect as they journey through the Bible.

4th Grade:  "First Communion" (In Calendar Below)

Fourth graders receive communion instruction through a day-long retreat held in the spring.  The celebration of First Communion is held at Palm Sunday worship services or at Maundy Thursday worship.

5th Grade:  "Sermon Notes"

Fifth graders attend worship service once each month as a class and begin taking simple notes about the sermon.



HOPE Marketplace Experience

This hands-on experience for grades 2nd-8th puts students in the shoes of HOPE entrepreneurs and broadens their understanding of global poverty.
Children will:

  • Decide on a handmade product to produce
  • Save money to purchase supplies
  • Advertise their business to family and friends
  • Sell their product at the Alleluia! HOPE Marketplace

All proceeds go to HOPE International to further their efforts to end global poverty.

CREATED BY GOD: Bridge to Adolescence (5th/6th grades)

Created By God is a Christian-based sexuality course designed for 5th/6th grade students that takes place in January.  This course teaches students about human anatomy, respect for other males and females regarding body changes they will experience, and that it's all good.  How to have healthy relationships with others is an added feature of this course.
Parents attend an orientation on November 14 at 6:30pm or November 17 at 11:30am.  Students attend classes on January 19, 25, & 26, 9am-12:30pm.  
Email Michele Nelson
with questions regarding Created By God: Bridge to Adolescence.

signup here

SMILES for Seniors! (Ongoing Card Ministry throughout the Year)

Create a card to be delivered throughout the year to persons living in a Senior Living Center.  Come up with your own creation, or use the templates provided below.  Drop off cards with Ms. April, or at the outdoor drop box for cards located in the lower level underpass, outside of door #10. 

print sunshine cards (2 per sheet)

Pen Pal Ministry

Children are connecting with other children of the SAME AGE at Alleluia!  Some families are connecting and forging NEW relationships!  NO STRESS...just FUN!  WHO DOESN'T like receiving a letter or a picture in the mail?!  Contact us to get your family connected!

Introductory Pen Pal template

Children's Choirs

Alleluia! has two children's choirs.
- J.C. Choir for ages 4yrs - 1st grade

-  Faith Choir for ages 2nd -5th grades

visit the music ministry page for info

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